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  • Open Lectures

Open Lectures

We hold special lectures to help high school and technical college students decide on the right field and school. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. We are looking forward to hearing your questions and receiving your applications.

1. Inquiries

Inquiries regarding public lectures are accepted below. Please feel free to contact us.
In addition, please use e-mail or fax as much as possible to contact us.

  • Address : Inquiry office School of Informatics, University of Tsukuba 1-2 Kasuga Tsukuba Ibaraki, 305-8550, Japan
  • Tel:+81-(0)29-859-1110
  • Fax : +81-(0)29-859-1162
  • Mail : inquiry-inf@inf.tsukuba.ac.jp

2. Type of lectures

The contents of the lecture can be applied to various themes from basic information technology
to advanced applications and cutting-edge research.

Simulated lectures

These lectures are held at our university campus and give students the opportunity
to experience what it is like to take a real course lecture at the School of Informatics.

Off-campus lectures

Our academic members will visit your organization and offer lectures.
Transportation fees will be charged to your organization. Thank you.

Other lectures

We offer other lectures including laboratory courses, intensive courses,
open campus lectures, and so on. Please refer to the web pages of each college for further information.

3. Important notes for prospective students

Please provide the following information

  • the name and e-mail address of an individual we may contact
  • the name and contact address of your organization

Please send us an e-mail as soon as you know the details of the lecture such as

  • the number, academic year, and major of students
  • the lecture and lecturer of your choice
  • the date and place
  • the length of time for the lecture (45, 50, 60, 75, 90min, and so on)
  • and other relevant information.